Nahar Niketan is newly constructed boys PG/hostel provides you the experience of a home away from home by providing a clean comfortable & friendly environment. It is located at a 15 Mins walking distance from DU North campus. (Colleges nearby Ramjas, SRCC, Hindu, St Stephes, KMC, SGTB Khalsa, Law faculty, Hansraj, satyawati and Zakir Hussain)
This accommodation is preferred by Delhi university students (Boys) because of its spacious and airy rooms. Room is shared by only two students. Average room size is 15*10 Sqft.

Facilities Provided :
All basic amenities are provided such as Bed with storage & mattress, individual almirah, study table & chair, meals (buffet break-fast, lunch & dinner in our own dining hall - prepared in our own kitchen by experienced cook, Wi-Fi, 24 hours running water, refrigerator, R.O. drinking water, Geysers in every bath room.)
- Most Economical Rates in DU
- A/C and Non A/C Rooms with Attached Bathroom
- Spacious and Ventilated Rooms (Avg. Size 15*10 Sqft.)
- Walking Distance From North Campus (Approx 15 Mins)
- R/O Purified Drinking Water
- Hi Speed Wi-Fi Internet
- Housekeeping
- T.V in the common room
- 16 CCTV Cameras for Security, 24 hour Surveillance